Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's become apparent to me that it's about time

So, I've decided that it's time to retire. I'm not referring to bed, though it is surely that time as well, since 'me' time comes only after the children are tucked away, sleeping soundly, but to the more commonly used definition of the term. I am ready to retire from my job. There is a laundry list of reasons why, but I'll focus just on the one that is driving the madness today.

Most would think, "Ah, he wants to retire, so that he can lazy around, doing nothing all day." Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm the type who likes to feel productive, so lazy-ing around the house, making a personalized dent in the sofa cushion would not be me at all. Therein lies the problem. My job gets in the way of my productivity. Seems backward don't it? You see, there's a TON of things I'd rather be doing than sitting in my cube, feeling ineffectual, scratch that- BEING ineffectual. I'd love to be able to spend more time with my kids. I love to be able to finish(or start) some projects around the house. I'd love to have some more time to actually further my skill at the guitar that sits in the corner of my bedroom collecting dust. I'd love to have time to finish reading some of the stacks of books I have waiting for me. I'd love more time to go to the gym, go for a run, work in the yard, wash my car, cook an actual meal, paint a room, do some laundry, nurture my social life, work on graduate studies, study my bible, etc., ad infinitum... But I don't.

There seems to be only two solutions to the seemingly simple problem: quit my job, or quit sleeping. Both take up equal portions of my day, but one is a necessity. Well, I suppose depending on how you look at it, both could be construed as necessary, but for different reasons. I suppose you need a job, unless you wanna be a bum(or hobo? I'm not sure of the PC term...) which I don't know if I'm totally averse to. I'd have plenty of time on my hands to do the things I enjoy, but no ends with which to accomplish them. On the other hand, if I were to give up sleep, there is no end to the problems that I would cause for myself. Well, I suppose there would be a physical end- I would die an early, pointless death due to sleep depravation either by physically not being able to survive, or more likely, stumbling out in front of a bus (or similar ridiculous circumstance) due to the inability to function in society. So, not sleeping is definitely out. Not ready to die yet.

So, the only reasonable explanation left is that I must quit my job. Now, to figure out that pesky monetary issue... Hmmm. Maybe I should just stop trying to do so much. Or budget my time a little better. Set some priorities and chip away at the rest as time allows. Those ideas seem a little less extreme and actually plausible. Whatever- I'll think about it. Makes too much sense to be given any real consideration. I do know this. It IS time to retire- to my bed- the effects of sleep depravation are more than I'm willing to suffer at this point, unless it's for a good cause-- there are certain things I would always trade for sleep...

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